Vitalograph asma-0.5 is a simple home use electronic respiratory monitor that
measures PEF and FEV1 and may be integrated with smart phone or tablet for ePRO
data collection. It offers greater accuracy than mechanical peak flow meters
and eliminates the need for paper record cards.&..
asmaPLAN Peak Flow MeterKey Features-Accurate, compact, lightweight and
portable-Robust and hardwearing-Features comfortable integral
mouthpiece-Conforms to all peak flow standards
including ISO23747:2007-Suitable for adults and children
myPEF Peak Flow Meter-The
simple, accurate way to monitor asthma-The
patented dual colour sliders on the myPEF define the management colour zones
set by the healthcare professional for the asthmatic to follow. -100% is the asthmatic’s best. The
yellow zone will typically be set to star..